Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost -but not :)

I know I know I said I was going to blog more about why Loving Slow for the next three posts.. I promise that's coming-but I couldn't resist telling this story.
Riley Kate is a very independent child whose favorite phrase is "Riley Kateit do it!" So I do not know why I am surprised that she was going to be the same way when it came to potty training.  It has been her interest/decision to potty train this early from the beginning. I for one was not quiet ready for this transition, but she was taking off her diapers and exclaiming, "sheeww mommy I wet!" So we started the training process. I made mention in a previous post that she was doing well-and I should've know I would eat my words because the very next day she had an accident and it seems like we have been hit or miss since. Today a 1st happened. Previously, we've been taking her to the potty and waiting with applause and M&M's for when she's finished. Today she decided to exercise "Riley Kateit do it " technique and ran to the potty, sat down and peed. However, ......she forgot to pull down her panties :/. We reminded her that was an important part of the process, changed her, and went on our way. I thought-now isn't that the way it goes sometimes-almost-but not :)


  1. I love it! Can't wait to see you in a few days! I just showed Crider a picture of Riley and told him she was coming to see us and he said "I want to play with She" Ha!

  2. we've been name practicing too.. she's got everyone including lucy except she thinks i'm saying Lynnlee when i say Finley ...
